At Stirling Media we believe something good should come out of our events. We’re motivated by making a difference in sectors like education, sustainability, clean energy, age care, circular economy and the future of work.
Let our expert team manage your next event. From A – Z we have skills in every stage of the event management process including: Scoping & Planning; Production; Registration; Marketing; and Sponsorship
Making mistakes is an excellent way to learn. But, when it comes to organising your event – on time and within budget – you can’t afford to make mistakes. Sometimes it pays to get advice from people who’ve already been there and done that.
Let our expert team help you head-hunt and recruit your next hire. Whether you’re an employee looking for a new job or employer searching for new event staff – contact us for a confidential conversation.
We’re under no illusions that some elements of trade shows can be detrimental to the environment. The entire meetings & events industry still has a long way to go to reduce scope 2 and 3 emissions. The good news is that our company has a plan; and we are working closely with our suppliers, partners, consultants and participants to ensure we measure, reduce and report. We’re striving for net zero and looking at everything from venue selection, stand building, catering, waste, freight-forwarding, recycling, travel, lighting and so much more.